Ranking the Best Gambling Business

There are gamblers and there ARE the gamblers. For those who cannot control their gambling addiction and those who want to delve into the business of gambling, there are some areas to turn in a profit, day or night.

Knowledge of state laws is crucial in making your choice as well as other regulatory and statutes that you need to be knowledgeable of. Remember, the law does not exclude anyone.

As in any type of business, the most crucial aspect in establishing your business is where to locate it. Location, location, location is the key. Unless you want to jumpstart the economy of a certain locality, choosing the perfect location is by far the most difficult decision to make.

Another decision you need to make requires you to evaluate which type of gambling business you would like to get into.

There are a lot of options to choose from in going into the gambling business. One can choose to establish a casino, a lottery outlet, a wagering system, bingo social halls, sweepstakes and dice games.


Establishing a casino at the right location can make an individual (who can afford to build one on his own) or a group of individuals rich. But the initial investment is also very steep as the place needs to be at par with world class standards to be considered as the in place to be.


Everybody plays the lottery. Who doesn’t want to get rich quick? So getting a franchise or a license to open a lottery outlet is also another way of making a fast buck.

Wagering and/or Race tracks

Some go for the higher stakes of taking a chance on the outcome of the game from a jockey or from someone else. Building a race track for horses, for dogs or for any other animal is also a lucrative business that can be looked into. Provided state laws allow these animals to be a part of the gaming industry.


People just love to play bingo. And formalizing a bingo social hall is just the right business around that corner if your community is into it day and night. Aside from its entertainment value, most charity institutions use bingo socials to forward their causes and solicit funding for their activities.

Sweepstakes and dice games

These have fairly been in the community long before the more elaborate and higher stakes gambling activities available now. However, these do not lose their charms as they provide a high that most people just can handle in their daily lives.

Last word on any gambling business you would want to establish, know your state laws.

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The Untapped Benefits of Gambling

Some people cringe at the thought of being labeled as a gambler since the stigma would forever hound them. People have different reasons as to why they gamble. Some gamble to forget their problems, others for fun, or to while away the time, those who play seriously and those who are addicted to it.

But all is not negative when it comes to gambling as there are untapped benefits of gambling which cannot be seen within the walls of the casino, or the race track, or in the bingo social hall.


In Las Vegas, a whopping 60 percent of the employment ratio is attributed to the presence of casinos. Imagine what would happen to Las Vegas if all the casinos suddenly stopped operating.


Self-discipline is the key. Gambling is for entertainment, as it was intended to be. Others just couldn’t handle a loss and always kept right on thinking that the next card would be the one to salvage all that has been lost. But it never does. And these types of gamblers only comprise one-fourth of the gambling population who cannot gamble responsibly.

Imagine the other 75 percent who responsibly gamble. These are the people who find the entertainment value of gambling and they are never blinded by the illusion that hitting it big time just once is the key to financial freedom.

It is sad that only a small percentage of the gambling population gets the bad rap of how gambling can be so destructive. Families, friends, properties, jobs, crimes and deception permeate the destruction brought about by gambling but it is still a small portion of the gambling population.

Charity Work

Winnings from gambling activities have contributed in providing the needed financial support of worthy causes. They use gambling activities such as bingos or lotteries with a percentage of the jackpot winnings tied with charity institutions.

Some celebrities even show their prowess in card games like poker to provide entertainment for the viewers and winnings for the charity institution they represent.

Health benefit

Studies have been found that retirees 65 years old and above who gamble have less health issues such as depression, alcoholism and bankruptcy as they find gambling to be therapeutic as it exercises their mind and keep them alert.

The study was not conclusive, however, because retiree gamblers are the recreational gamblers who find the entertainment value of gambling. They are healthier because they are healthy to begin with and not because they gamble.

In the end, it is not the gambling act itself that makes it beneficial or harmful to the individual. It is the decision of the individual if gambling would rule him or he would rule his gambling habit.

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PERJUDIAN OFFLINE…Baik kaya maupun miskin

Perjudian sangat populer, sejak dulu kala, dan semakin populer saat ini. Perjudian itu sendiri adalah penipuan. Bahkan, bentuk tertua yang diketahui. Bukan hanya penipuan, tetapi juga sangat menipu. Statistik menunjukkan bahwa sekitar enam persen orang dewasa yang terlibat dalam perjudian sangat kecanduan dengan “waktu luang” seperti yang mereka sebut. Orang yang kecanduan perjudian memiliki keinginan untuk bertaruh pada hampir semua hal. Mulai dari kuda, kartu, dan kasino. Jumlahnya tidak berhenti di situ. Jumlahnya terus bertambah.

Penipuan kasino ada di mana-mana. Pembayaran tinggi dan kemenangan yang menjanjikan dipasang dalam slogan-slogan besar sehingga menarik orang yang ingin mendapatkan uang dengan cara yang cepat, mudah, dan menyenangkan. Faktanya, penjudi membuang-buang waktu mereka, dengan harapan menang. Jadi, mereka tidak mudah menyerah.

Penelitian menunjukkan bahwa masalah perjudian dapat dengan mudah terjadi pada individu yang tidak memiliki kendali diri. Seseorang perlu mengidentifikasi apakah ia memiliki masalah, sehingga dapat diidentifikasi dan ditindaklanjuti dengan segera.

Berikut ini beberapa pertanyaan yang harus diajukan untuk mendeteksi adanya masalah:

* Setelah berjudi, ketika Anda kehilangan uang, baik dalam jumlah kecil maupun besar, apakah Anda menyesalinya, atau merasa kesal?

* Ketika Anda menang, apakah Anda memiliki keinginan kuat untuk menang lebih banyak, sehingga Anda ingin kembali?

* Ketika Anda kalah, apakah Anda merasa perlu untuk segera kembali?

* Apakah Anda menghabiskan banyak waktu untuk berjudi, biasanya lebih lama dari yang Anda rencanakan?

* Jika Anda memiliki masalah, apakah Anda berjudi untuk melupakannya?

* Apakah Anda menghabiskan lebih banyak waktu untuk berjudi daripada untuk bekerja?

* Apakah Anda tidak berhenti sampai uang terakhir Anda habis?

* Apakah terjadi pertengkaran antara Anda dan keluarga karena keinginan Anda untuk berjudi?

* Untuk membiayai perjudian Anda, apakah Anda meminjam uang dari teman atau rekan?

Kecanduan berjudi dapat merusak. Keluarga, teman, dan reputasi Anda terancam. Kondisi ini sering kali diabaikan. Ada penjudi yang melarikan diri yang memengaruhi tujuh puluh lima persen wanita berusia tiga puluhan ke atas. Biasanya alasan untuk berjudi adalah untuk melarikan diri dari rasa sakit emosional yang mereka alami, bosan, kesepian, depresi atau menjadikan perjudian sebagai hobi atau waktu luang. Jenis kecanduan ini dapat disembuhkan dalam waktu tiga hingga enam bulan.

Penjudi aksi jauh lebih sulit diatasi. Kebanyakan adalah pria, di mana perjudian bagi mereka menciptakan ekstasi seperti kecanduan narkoba. Ini jauh lebih sulit disembuhkan, karena individu akan menyangkal fakta tersebut, ketika dihadapkan. Mereka biasanya tidak akan berhenti sampai tidak punya apa-apa, secara finansial.

Karena perjudian menciptakan banyak penipuan, faktanya semakin banyak orang yang tertarik padanya. Alasan utamanya adalah untuk memenangkan sejumlah besar uang. Namun kemudian muncul alasan yang paling mematikan — yaitu merasakan euforia tertentu. Penipuan atau tidak, seseorang masih terus berjudi dan merupakan alasan mengapa perjudian offline masih berkembang pesat hingga saat ini.

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